Friday, January 8, 2010

Walleye Fishing Tip: Five Walleye Jig Fishing Techniques

Do you enjoy fishing for walleye? The walleye is a popular species of fish that is sought after for both the challenge they provide and for the great taste.

There's nothing else like being out on the water, enjoying all the things nature has to offer and reeling in those fish. It's relaxing and exciting all at the same time, which is probably the biggest reason fishing is so popular with so many people.

The walleye is among the most sought after because they are a unique species that makes fishing even more interesting and fun. Their distinctive eyes allow them to see better in dim lighting so they have an advantage over their prey.

For this reason they tend to feed the most aggressively during the nighttime hours and when it's cloudy and overcast. They also bite well when it's windy making the water choppy because this breaks up the light shining in the water and makes it darker.

There are many different methods used to fish for the walleye that works very well. Which method do you use when fishing for this species? Out of all the options available, many anglers enjoy jig fishing because it offers several benefits that you won't get from some of the other methods.

Five Jigging Techniques

Anglers love jig fishing because it helps them get the bait in the area where the walleye are located without disturbing the group and scattering them in different directions. Many anglers consider jigging to be one of the easiest methods available, which is another reason why it's so well like and used so often. To help you get the most from your fishing experiences, below are five jigging tips that can help improve your technique.

Five jigging techniques:

Vertical Fishing - The walleye suspend themselves throughout the water at different depths depending on the time of year, day and other environmental factors. Jig fishing allows you to get right overtop of the fish by using a technique called vertical fishing. However, to get overtop of the suspended fish you need to know where they are. Using electronic devices can help you find the walleye and record where they're located. Once you find the right depth in one location the walleye will normally be at this same depth throughout the water.

Flipping - The flipping technique is often used when jig fishing. This method of jigging allows you to cover the area where the walleye are located around structures more thoroughly, which in turn can lead to more bites.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best walleye fishing information possible. Go to http://www.askwalle yefishing. com/editorials/ 5_five-walleye- jig-fishing- techniques. html for more information on walleye jig fishing.

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