Sunday, March 6, 2011

Deep Sea Fishing Lure - Which To Use With What Bait

Deep sea fishing is becoming more and more popular all the time as more anglers are searching for the ultimate thrill in fishing. That's exactly what you'll get when you venture out deep into the depths of the ocean where some of the biggest species of fish you'll ever find are located.

Going out into the open sea and reeling in that big one is an amazing feeling but it can also be a very difficult task. It's not easy finding or catching the species that live this deep out in the ocean. However, the lures you use can make a big difference and mean the difference between having a successful trip and having a bad one. So how do you know which lure to use for bait when deep sea fishing? The information below can help you choose the right ones.

The biggest difference you'll find in deep sea fishing lures compared to other types of lures is the size. With the species deep within the ocean being so much larger than the ones close to shore, the size of the lures must be larger as well. Choosing the right deep sea fishing lure is not too difficult if you know a few of the basic rules to follow. These will help you decide what would be the best regardless of what kind of fishing you want to do.

Tips on how to pick the right deep sea fishing lure:

* Learn the difference between the types of lures and what they are designed to be used for. Each type of lure was designed for a specific function. Some are better suited for certain species than others.

* Study and learn all you can about the different species of fish found in the sea. Discover what types of food they eat naturally and choose a lure that closely resembles their natural food source.

* Different species track food in different ways. For example, some track movement and others use sense of smell to find food. Knowing which method the species you're seeking out uses will help you find the bait they are the most attracted to.

* Match your lure to the type of water you're fishing in and the time of day that you're fishing. The lures that you would use for bottom fishing would be completely different from what you would use for trolling.

* Use light colored or fluorescent lures when deep sea fishing because it shows up more in the deep waters than darker colors.

* Choose lures that are durable and that look realistic.

* Experiment with different types of lures.

The last tip is one of the most useful because there is no way that you can know exactly which lure will work the best every time you go deep sea fishing. It depends on so many different things such as where you're fishing, when you're fishing, which species you're seeking out, the weather and so much more. Experimenting will help you learn what works best in different situations so you'll learn what to use and when to use each type of lure for the best results.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best salt water fishing information possible. Go to for more information on salt water fishing.

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