Friday, March 25, 2011

What I Use To Think...

Miami is all about flash, Minneapolis is the complete opposite.

I used to think Lamborghinis and Ferraris were cool cars driven by financially successful individuals. Now, I think they're just an exotic rental from a South Beach dealership being driven by someone wrapped up in a false life of luxury that hasn't come to realize it yet.

I used to think people drove well. Now, I realize that Midwestern drivers possess a level of driving expertise that Miami drivers will never achieve. My hand subconsciously flicks on my blinker when I'm driving. I don't even realize it's on unless I look at the dashboard and see it clicking. I would say about 20% of Miami drivers use their blinker. You'd think the cars here didn't have them.

I used to respect public road construction workers. Now, I've lost all respect for them and their lack of work ethic. It's true that you see it once and a while up north, but usually, road construction is done quickly and efficiently. Road crews only have 5 months (summer) to get the majority of their work done, so they work hard and get results. I swear to you, the road crew working on Biscayne Boulevard's underground pipe installation and blacktopping project does the BARE minimum to get by and not get in trouble with the city. I would estimate that at their current pace, which appears to be roughly 2 feet per day, they'll finish the 15-block project by 2050. Minneapolis crews would have this done by Fall 2011, if not earlier.

Beyond that, I can't tell you how many times I've seen poor work ethic in action. Instead of two guys using two wheelbarrows and two shovels to move a pile of gravel, they choose to have one guy, with one shovel, fill the other guy's wheelbarrow, which he slowly moves to the dumping point. What about the classic three guys watching one guy with a pick-ax. Does it take a brain surgeon to figure out efficient work practices? Why is laziness awarded in our society by never ending public contracts? Financial initiative for rapid completion of public works projects must not exist here. Give this to a private company working on a deadline, and you better believe these guys would get their act in gear or get fired.

I'm sure I'll think of more.

Don't read this like I don't like it down here. There are many positives about Miami. I just needed a little venting time.

Making Friends is Hard...Really Hard

This post will come off like a post from my personal diary, because it pretty much is, but I think anyone who's moved alone to a new city, post-college, will be able to relate.

Making friends is not easy. Plain and simple.

Let's analyze how you make friends during the first 22 years of your life:

0-3 years: You don't have friends, you have a Mom.

4-9 years: Most likely on the playground.

10-18 years: Most likely in the classroom, locker room, or extracurricular activity.

18-22 years: Class, clubs, college in general.

I see myself as a very amicable person. When I was in Argentina during my junior year of college, I'd never made more lasting friendships in such a short period of time. I knew these people for no more than 4 months, yet I still stay in contact with them more than I do with people who I lived with for 9 months in the dorms freshman year.

Coming to Miami, I kind of had the same idea that I'd make a big group of friends right away, because it was kind of like another study abroad. However, I left out one large gaping error, there isn't class when you've graduated from college.

Making friends from ages 4 through 22 revolves around the classroom or the educational system. Post college, making friends is a different ball game. 20-somethings go to the bars with their friends, but seldom do you make friends in a bar. I currently find myself in the situation where I've somewhat become a loner, and I'm breaking myself out of this pattern.

I love my alone time. I could ride for hours alone, but I always wind up talking out loud to myself while riding. Bouncing ideas off myself basically. Fishing is the same. Great way to relax, but after awhile, you want someone to talk to.

So, this kind of goes with my previous post, I'm getting a job. Adults makes friends at work; that's how the world works. I'm not just going to randomly walk up to people in bars and say "Hey guy, you seem cool, want to hang out?" That's not going to happen.

I need to immerse myself into the Miami scene and start working so I can start meeting new people. Once I meet said people, THEN we can go hang out in bars and restaurants, but until that happens, I'm done with nightlife. Not to mention, there are a lot of sleazy people in South Beach. I'm really happy I DIDN'T live there. Everyone's all about the club scene, and everyone, mostly douchey guys, brag about knowing some DJ or having "a connection" at the club. Give me an effing break dude, your connection is the guy mopping up puke in the VIP section. Quit trying to front like you're this South Beach mogul!

Rant Over.

Result: I'm getting a job at a nice restaurant to meet people. Being lonely isn't always that fun.

Free Time Isn't That Cool

When I came down here, I planned on spending the first month on vacation, and after that I'd start traveling or job hunting, whichever came first. The first month went well, I was having fun and going to the beach, fishing, etc. However, now that I've been here for seven weeks, I've gotten sick of having so much free time. A friend recently came down from NYC for 9 days on his Spring break, and we had a great time. However, during this time I realized that I need to get my ass in gear. I've spent too much money, and I feel like I need to put traveling on hold for a while. This is okay, because my main destination of Buenos Aires isn't really in condition to be visited right now. It's cold and damp, and when I go, I want it to be warm and dry.

Anyways, back to my feelings of being a bum.

Having free time is great, when it actually has meaning. However, when every minute of every day is "free" you never really feel like you're enjoying this free time. As my friend Tim described it in economic terms, you need to have a constraint on your free time to actually utilize it. When you're a bum, every minute is considered free time, yet you wind up never actually doing anything. However, when you have a full time job, those three hour chunks between ending work and going to bed are milked for all they're worth. Someone who is extremely busy and has three open hours could accomplish more than myself with a whole day available because I'm able to procrastinate.

Looking back at my entire post-high school life, I've always had a job and worked something like 25 hours per week. I wasn't raised in a family where being lazy was acceptable. I was taught that I needed to "learn the value of a dollar" and now, after 6 years of constant labor, I understand that value. I don't understand how someone could be a beach bum and NOT have a job. Working gives me a sense of value that I don't get from living the life of a vagabond. I could easily live for a few more months on my savings account, but I enjoy labor.

So, plan is, I'm applying at all the best steak houses in town. I knew I said I wasnt getting back into serving, but the money is good, and it will give me the drive to put my real "free time" into Text Marketing Miami, my text message marketing company that I'm starting down here. Looking back, I've always been at my most productive when I was working the most. During the fall, I was putting in 32 hours/week at the internship, another 15 at the Loring, and I still read 10 books, found an apartment in Miami, and focused myself better. Plus, word on the street is that servers make close to $300/$400 per night, and that is damn good money.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

2 Speed Reels

Apo bondo lah nih..

2 Speed Reels, What, How and Why.
2-Speed or Single Speed Reel?

Semua tepek ni high end product punyo. Contoh contoh reel 2 speed :

Daiwa Saltist 2 Speed (RM1.5k+/-)

Penn International 2 Speed (RM????)

Accurate reel (above RM2k)

Avet Reel (Above RM1.4k)

Shimano Talica II 2 Speed (RM1.5k+/-)

Shimano Tyrnos 2-Speed (below RM1.2k) 

Shimano TLD II 20 A 2-Speed (Product lama harga dalam RM900+-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

River Fishing Tips - Tips For Catching Fish In Cold Weather

By []Trevor Kugler

As a person who has been fishing in rivers,especially small rivers that need to be waded to be fished effectively (mainly for trout or small mouth bass) it occurs to me that catching fish in cold weather can be a difficult proposition. In fact in many cases catching fish while river fishing during the months of December, January, and February can be so difficult that many anglers don't even bother to try. Fish can be caught while river fishing in cold weather, it's just the the rules are different than they are at other times of the year.

In this article I will discuss a few river fishing tips to help you catch more fish during the cold weather months of December, January, and February. The first of the river fishing tips to consider concerning fishing in cold weather is where the fish are located withing the river system itself. During warm months when the water temperatures are warmer, fish are found throughout the river system. Fish can be found in pools, runs, and riffles during months other than January, February, and March, whereas during the cold weather months fish tend to congregate together in the deepest pools within the river. The biggest mistake fishermen make when attempting to river fish in cold weather is fishing in the same area's that they catch fish during other times of the year. When the weather is cold concentrate your time on the deepest pools in the river and fish these pools very thoroughly.

The next tip for catching fish when the weather is cold is obvious, but is nonetheless an extremely valid tip. You always want to be prepared for the weather when fishing in cold weather, and depending on your favorite style of fishing the most important part of your body to keep warm is probably your hands. Nothing can ruin a perfectly good fishing trip like cold hands, which is where a quality pair of fishing gloves and/or glove liners comes in to play. Glove liners can act as "fingerless gloves" as well, which is nice for being able to feel your fishing line for tying knots or feeling for bites while fishing and then when the fishing is over you simply slip your warm gloves over your glove liners to keep your hands warm and toasty. Wearing a beanie style cap is also very helpful for keeping your whole body warm when fishing in cold weather and is something that every cold weather fisherman shouldn't be without, seeing as how ninety percent of your body heat escapes through your head when the temperatures are cold.

The next of the rel=nofollow []river fishing tips that I want to discuss in regards to fishing in cold weather is the size of the bait or lure that you use. In the cold weather months of January, February, and March water temperatures become extremely cold and because fish are cold blooded creatures, their metabolism slows down considerably. This means that the fish don't feed as often due to their slow metabolism and means that you want to downsize your baits when fishing in cold weather. For example rather than using an entire live worm as bait in cold weather just use a two inch section of a worm or rather than using a half ounce Rooster Tail use one that is 1/16 of an ounce and plan on "working harder" for each and every bite that you receive. In cold weather it is often necessary to put your offering literally in front of the fishes nose to get the fish to bite, which means that you usually have to make a lot more casts than you might be used to.

Keep these simple river fishing tips in mind the next time that you head out in search of fish when the temperatures are cold. They will not only help you to experience more success, they will help you be much more comfortable as well.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.

Get Fishing Tips & Techniques Twice A Month For FREE -

Article Source: [] River Fishing Tips-Tips For Catching Fish In Cold Weather

Rainbow Trout Bait - The Best Baits To Use To Catch Rainbow Trout

When it comes to fishing for trout that are colored like a rainbow, did you ever wonder what the best bait to use was? There are so many trout bait choices available that it can be difficult to determine what the correct bait choice is for a given fishing scenario when fishing for rainbow trout. I have been fishing for rainbow trout for more than twenty years and in that time have discovered that certain baits are more effective than others, depending on what type of trout you are fishing for and what type of water you are fishing for these beautiful fish in.

You may be thinking to yourself, "what type of trout?" and to that question I would answer, "yes, the type of trout that you are fishing for is of the utmost importance." Technically a rainbow trout may be a rainbow trout, but in truth there are two types of rainbows available in most areas. Trout that have been stocked and trout that are native to the body of water that they are found in. The reason that this is important is because the two different types of trout tend to eat very different things and thus different trout baits tend to be more or less effective depending on the type of trout (stocked or native) that is being fished for.

With that being said, I will outline which of the following baits are most effective and the type of trout that is most likely to eat each bait. The bottom line is that the following options are among the best baits that can be used when fishing for these beautiful fish.

Insects - Insects are a very effective trout bait, but live insects are extremely difficult to use as trout bait. The obvious alternative to live insects are artificial flies when it comes to mimicking insects. Everyone seems to know that "fly fishing" and "trout fishing" go hand in hand and this is because fly fishing is a very effective way to use artificial flies as bait for trout. For traditional spin fishermen artificial flies can be used as bait for trout by employing something called a casting bubble, but the bottom line is that insects (in the form of an artificial fly) make an excellent bait for catching rainbows. Native trout as opposed to stocked trout are the most susceptible to this type of trout bait.

Worms and Grubs - Live worms and grubs make excellent rel=nofollow []trout bait when fishing for "rainbows". Live worms and grubs are most effective when fished in the flowing waters of a river or stream containing native trout (or stocked trout that have had a couple of fishing seasons to acclimate to their surroundings) but the bottom line is that worms and grubs also make an excellent bait for these beautiful fish.

Dough Style Baits - Dough style baits include any synthetic trout bait that is sold in a small jar and is molded onto your fishing hook for the express purpose of catching a rainbow trout. The most popular form of dough bait is called "Powerbait" which is a very effective bait for trout. This type of trout bait is fished on a bottom rig in a lake that has been stocked with trout. As you might imagine dough style trout baits are most effective when used for stocked trout and normally don't work at all for native fish.

At the end of the day the aforementioned trout bait choices are certainly among (if not at the top of the list) for the best baits that can be used to catch rainbow trout. If any of them aren't a part of your trout fishing arsenal, they should be added sooner rather than later.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.

Learn []how to catch trout 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for FREE

Article Source: [] Rainbow Trout Bait-The Best Baits To Use To Catch Rainbow Trout

How To Catch Rainbow Trout - 3 Effective Ways To Catch Rainbow Trout

Many anglers are interested in how to catch a rainbow trout and in this article I will outline three effective ways to accomplish this task. I have been fishing for (and catching) rainbow trout for more than two decades and in that time have learned many tips and tricks that have made me a much more successful trout fishermen. I personally use these three fishing methods to catch trout to this day and if you want to know how to catch rainbow trout, this article is for you.

Before I list the techniques themselves it's important to point out that I am not a fly fishermen. Many people tend to equate "trout fishing" to "fly fishing", however I am not, nor have I ever been a fly fishermen. Although one of the flowing three ways to catch a rainbow trout involves the use of an artificial fly (as flies are an excellent trout bait), the following methods don't involve "fly fishing" in the traditional sense. With that being said, let's get down to business, what do you say?

The Spinner Method - Small in-line spinners are an excellent way to catch rainbow trout and anyone interested in how to catch rainbow trout will be well served by having small spinners as part of their trout fishing arsenal. Spinners can be used in both lake and river fishing scenarios and a great tip is to attach your spinner to your line by using a two to four foot leader that is attached to your line using a small barrel swivel. This will help to keep the spinner from twisting your line and allow the in-line spinner to perform as it was designed to perform in the water. Varying the speed of your retrieve by 'snapping' your rod tip as the spinner is retrieved is an excellent way to trigger bites from hungry rainbow trout as well.

The Casting Bubble Method - The casting bubble method is the best way to use an artificial fly as bait (artificial flies are very effective as bait for rainbow trout) without having to be a "fly fisherman". Using a casting bubble enables you to add weight to your line so that a lightweight artificial fly can be cast and retrieved effectively in an attempt to rel=nofollow []catch rainbow trout. The casting bubble method is a great way to catch trout and should be added to any serious trout fisherman's repertoire sooner rather than later.

The Live Worm Method - As the name obviously suggests, this way of catching a trout involves the use of live worms (either red worms or nightcrawlers) that have been pinched in half. The goal is to use a live worm or portion of a live worm that is from two to four inches long that is presented to the trout in an outstretched and natural manner. Presenting the live worm in an outstretched and natural manner makes it much more enticing to the trout that you are attempting to catch. This fact is especially true in river fishing situations. A live worm that has been rigged naturally and is allowed to flow naturally with the current of a river containing trout is an excellent way to learn how to catch a rainbow trout.

The bottom line is that if you are interested in learning how to catch a rainbow trout, the aforementioned ways are all extremely effective. Add on or all of them to your trout fishing arsenal on your next trout fishing excursion.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.

Get Fishing Tips & Techniques Twice A Month For FREE -

Article Source: [] How To Catch Rainbow Trout-3 Effective Ways To Catch Rainbow Trout

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Baju Team Kumpau

Nih baju kalau bawak g mancen tak dapat ikan pun orang dah paham..dah tau memang kaki kumpau..kalau dapat ikan bleh bersorak,sebab luar dari jangkaan..hehe..12/03/11

Friday, March 11, 2011

Good Tunes in Miami

What started out as a slow Miami night ending up being quite eventful. I originally just planned on staying in and working on a marketing website I'm creating. Needing some groceries to cook my dinner before starting on the website, I decided to bike to the Midtown Target. Leaving the Target, I took a little different route home and passed a corporate, yet pretty cool, restaurant, Hurricane Grill & Wings, that had a live blues band, The Jay Blues Band, setting up. I rushed home, ate dinner, and immediately returned to listen to come good blues. I've been hankering for some soul music and they hit it on the head. During their set break, I was at the bar and decided to ask these two girls if there was more live music in the area.

Well, what do you know, these girls are on the pulse of Miami's live music scene. They invited me to another venue, The Stage, where a great Ben Folds-like band was playing, the Jacob Jeffries Band. Damn can this guy play the piano and sing. Very impressive. Definitely looking forward to seeing them play again.

After quite a few good songs and some overpriced drinks ($9 for a rail jack and ginger, come on!), I headed home for the night. From what I've heard, you need to dig around for something in Miami that isn't house or techno music. Though I have nothing against either of those, it was nice to hear lyrics for a change.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catering Event: Insane Wedding

Sorry for the slow catering event update, but don't worry, it'll be worth it.

So, the event. A European billionaire wanted to throw a big birthday party for his wife's 40th birthday party. A big party indeed.

Two TV crews and an entire paparazzi team were gathered by the mansion's gate so that when guests arrived, they could walk the red carpet with shutter bulbs exploding and everyone asking, "What designer are you wearing tonight?"

After guests made it up the 50 yard red carpet, they were greeted by a enormous exact replica of the wife's birthday cake, with a 6-person New Orleans jazz band on top, playing ragtime music. Large flatscreens all over the property showed live TV coverage of who was walking the red carpet at any given money.

Once everyone was seat underneath the huge event tent, the MC welcomed everyone and directed us to the sky, where a helicopter with its search light on was flying overhead. It flashed the beam on and followed a jet boat in the bay, and within a minute, the wife jumped off the boat, onto the dock, and ran up to the stage to say hi to her guests.

The normal food and wine for any expensive catering event.

The highlight of the event: after dinner, a surprise guest arrived, world famous DJ David Guetta, who performed a solid three-hour show. Absolutely amazing performance.

All in all, I think I could get used to Miami catering.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kolam Sungai Long Mengumpau

Kolam Siakap Sungai Long, Kajang..komplot pada Sabtu 5hb March 2011 kul 7.40 pagi bersama dengan Man/Boss...& Edi sampai lewat sesat jalan..Zam datang jenguk masa da nak balik dah..gue kumpau..sekoq siakap & kaci jo yang ahlul kumpau dapat kasik naik...huhuhuhuhuhuuhu

Edi test dengan rod baru tapi model lama Abu Conolon PE1-3. Mission succes dengan hasil tapi untuk test maksimum bawak g lautlah..hehe

Test mengumpau dengan natang nih, mission accomplished.

Ryobi Artica 4000

Aluminium Body, precise front drag, anti reverse, aluminium quick fold handle, Aluminium /Carbon mesh Spool and rotor, rotary flat oscillation System and aluminium handle w/power knob, Comes With Spare Spool, Line Capacity: 220,0.3(mm), Ratio: 5.0:1, Weight: 320gm (set yang sebenar siap power handle knob)

Fishing Key West -- A Sportsman's Delight

There are two different types of people who come to this tropical island looking for great fishing -- those who are experts and those who might need a little help along the way. Whether you are an expert fisherman with years upon years of experience behind the rod or a novice fisherman who knows the basics, but not how to land the big catch, fishing Key West is right for you.

There are tons of great places to fish around the island. Regardless of if you prefer to cast a rod on the beach or out on a boat, it isn't too hard to find the right spot if you are simply willing to take the time to look around. With so many different fishing trips and experiences on the island, you are sure to find one that is perfect for you. Here are some things to take into account when coming to the island to fish.

What Kind Of Fish Are In The Waters

Just as there are tons of different fishermen, there are also plenty of fish. Regardless of your personal catch of the day, the ocean is teeming with the fish you are seeking. Calling the shots is one of the perks of fishing here. Whether you bring your own boat or join up with a charter captain and his crew, you are bound to find tons of fish just below the surface. Off the coast of the island lives everything from sailfish, shark, marlin, and tarpon, to dolphin, wahoo, goliath, and grouper. For the best chance of finding where these fish hide, hook up with a local captain and hit the waters together. Many captains will rent their services for full or half-day excursions.

If you want to spend the day with just you and your fishing guide, fly fishing is a great way to not only angle, but also take in some peace and serenity. The shallow waters around the island make fly fishing Key West an attractive option. Even with your sights set on a small fish, you may end up hooking a tarpon or even a bonefish.

How About Accommodations

Just as there are plenty of fish in the sea, there are tons of places to stay here. When you are done with an all-day adventure in the waters fishing Key West, you have options for where to lay your head. If capping the night off with a beer at world famous Sloppy Joe's is your type of thing, then a hotel or bed and breakfast in the Old Town neighborhood is a perfect lodging choice.

If you plan to stay on the beach all day, why not sleep near there too. Great hotels line the streets along the beachfront. If you have your eyes set on the city's downtown area, there are numerous condos, apartments, and hotels all located right where the action is.

What Else Is There To Do

There is too much to simply list. The sky is the limit here when finding great activities. From parasailing to snorkeling or touring beautiful neighborhoods to visiting an isolated national park, if you have the time and an adventurous streak, this island is the perfect customizable vacation destination.

Christine O'Kelly writes for the experts at Best On Key West ( They offer information on fishing Key West (

Sea Fishing Tips You Can Use Anywhere

As the name represents, sea fishing involves large fishing tackle. When comparing with others it requires more equipment like long line, rods and lures. However, rods, reels, bait and tackles are the essential equipments for deep-sea fishing and specialized boats are needed for angling.

This includes two types of deep sea fishing techniques, the first one is trolling and the second one is bottom fishing. In trolling method the fishing boat at a constant slow speed. These are just a few sea fishing tips you can use anywhere and that will be very important when it comes to planning your own sea fishing trip.

Safety Measures

Swimming is the very best safeguard measure to tackle any problem occurred in deep sea. Here are some safety measures to keep in mind:

During the bad weather condition, in cold or rain, you should wear proper clothing depending upon the situation. You may stay a long time in the sunlight or in the chilled night. So keep yourself warm in the cold weather and cool in high temperature.

Before going to fishing you should insure yourself for water accident claims which is highly helpful at any moment. Some banks can help you in a very big way. If you fish often, this is well worth looking into.

Without a good communication device it is highly dangerous while fishing. Make sure you have a way to contact people onshore if something goes wrong.

Taking alcohol is dangerous and should be avoided.
Getting a radio is obviously helpful to monitor the weather report.
Through this report you can plan to avoid the harmful weather condition.
Also keeping a mobile phone is helpful when emergency occurs.
You should also take a first aid kit when fishing. At the very least you should take antiseptic cream, medicines for fever, cold, headache, stomach pain, and for some common regular problems. This will ensure to rectify the minor problems fast.

Applying sunscreen products , wearing 100%cotton clothing, wearing a good hat with face shade, gloves without fingers, water resistant sunscreen, waterproof jacket all of these are essential to protect yourself from sunburn, wind, light showers, cool temperature.

Wearing sunglasses protect your eyes which is a highly sensitive part of our body.

Avoid the unnecessary times while the fish was keep out of water. After unhooking you should covered the fish with wet cloth and kept out of the day light.

Keep Quality Tools

Nets, hooks, hook disgorger, cutter, long-nose pliers - all of these are essential for fishing. Make sure all the tools are in good condition while fishing. When using hooks, handle them in the proper way and make sure your hook will not get caught on a person, or a power line. If a hook is deep inside the fish carefully handle the long-nose pliers either cut off the line or leave the hook in the fish.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best saltwater fishing information possible. Go to for more information on sea fishing.

Deep Sea Fishing Lure - Which To Use With What Bait

Deep sea fishing is becoming more and more popular all the time as more anglers are searching for the ultimate thrill in fishing. That's exactly what you'll get when you venture out deep into the depths of the ocean where some of the biggest species of fish you'll ever find are located.

Going out into the open sea and reeling in that big one is an amazing feeling but it can also be a very difficult task. It's not easy finding or catching the species that live this deep out in the ocean. However, the lures you use can make a big difference and mean the difference between having a successful trip and having a bad one. So how do you know which lure to use for bait when deep sea fishing? The information below can help you choose the right ones.

The biggest difference you'll find in deep sea fishing lures compared to other types of lures is the size. With the species deep within the ocean being so much larger than the ones close to shore, the size of the lures must be larger as well. Choosing the right deep sea fishing lure is not too difficult if you know a few of the basic rules to follow. These will help you decide what would be the best regardless of what kind of fishing you want to do.

Tips on how to pick the right deep sea fishing lure:

* Learn the difference between the types of lures and what they are designed to be used for. Each type of lure was designed for a specific function. Some are better suited for certain species than others.

* Study and learn all you can about the different species of fish found in the sea. Discover what types of food they eat naturally and choose a lure that closely resembles their natural food source.

* Different species track food in different ways. For example, some track movement and others use sense of smell to find food. Knowing which method the species you're seeking out uses will help you find the bait they are the most attracted to.

* Match your lure to the type of water you're fishing in and the time of day that you're fishing. The lures that you would use for bottom fishing would be completely different from what you would use for trolling.

* Use light colored or fluorescent lures when deep sea fishing because it shows up more in the deep waters than darker colors.

* Choose lures that are durable and that look realistic.

* Experiment with different types of lures.

The last tip is one of the most useful because there is no way that you can know exactly which lure will work the best every time you go deep sea fishing. It depends on so many different things such as where you're fishing, when you're fishing, which species you're seeking out, the weather and so much more. Experimenting will help you learn what works best in different situations so you'll learn what to use and when to use each type of lure for the best results.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best salt water fishing information possible. Go to for more information on salt water fishing.

Making Some Cash

Saturday March 5, 2011

I'm working on an online business right now, but it's still about a month from going live. So, in the meantime, I thought it would be nice to make a little cash, but with no long-tern commitment, in case I want to head to El Salvador to see my sister, or go paragliding in Guatemala.

So, my fishing partner Emin, from Serbia, got a catering gig and told me to call the guy. I gave him a ring, had a quick interview, and was hired immediately. I start tonight. We're working a private party on Star Island, the island of the rich and famous of Miami. Gloria Estefan lives there, among other people. It's a private island, so I've never been allowed to bike on the island, though I've tried. I'm pumped to see who we're catering for, what we're serving, and what the island looks like.

Details to come tomorrow morning.

Star Island Aerial View