Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day Off Bike Ride

Remember how I said I was going to update the blog on my day off on Saturday, well, I went for a LONG ride, probably around 40 miles, and when I get home, I was done. I laid on the couch and didn't move a muscle until the next morning.

The thing is, it wasn't supposed to be a long ride. I just felt like going for a spin, getting some Cuban coffee along the way, and enjoying the nice weather. However, I got into South Miami and the Coral Gables neighborhood, and the beauty of the neighborhood took over and I just kept riding. Every single time I turned a corner, I was greeted by another gorgeous boulevard, house, park, etc.

Unfortunately, I didn't follow my first rule of traveling...always carry your camera. After my year in Argentina, I learned that it's always wise to have a camera present, because you never know what daily occurrence might be photo worthy.

Fortunately, I had my Palm Centro cellphone, which has a camera. It's not the best, but I took as many pictures as I could, and I hope you can somewhat get a jist of just how beautiful this last ride was.

Chris, my roommate Julie's boyfriend, and I are going to go for a ride in another scenery-laden neighborhood today or tomorrow. It's down South, of course, and this time I'll remember my camera.

Coral Gables Street

 I have a strong fascination with houses covered in foliage

My bike path 

 Along with my "houses in foliage" fascination, I also LOVE Mangrove trees

 I stopped at a Home Depot. Only in "Northern Cuba" would they sell domino tables at HD :)

 Classic 1970s concrete public housing project. Neighborhood didn't seem to sketchy though

13th St SW, called Coral Way

Concrete Barrier Wall protecting a neighborhood. Don't know too much about these yet 

House, foliage, need I say more? 

 Lots of gorgeous canopy-covered streets in Coral Gables

The Historic Biltmore Hotel from afar 

At the front door 

Those same barrier walls from before

Mangrove trees...again. I never get sick of seeing them.

This picture doesn't nearly do this house justice. Just amazing up close

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