Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Response: Day Off Bike Ride

DustinSBranham said...
Its awesome that you see so much of Miami by bike. Forty miles must be a chore in that heat, too. Miami trees seem to grow longer horizontally than vertically. Seems strange from a nontropicalist's perspective. Awesome post. I really like to see the pictures, esp since they aren't the same postcard scenes we have all seen of Miami and Miami Beach a thousand times before. ------
Thanks for the positive input Dustin. If you ever make it down this way, be sure to give me a shout. I'll give you any inside knowledge I've acquired.

First and foremost, riding is the best thing that has happened to me. I can see and explore this city in ways that would be impossible any other way. I don't care if you're a marathon runner, you're not going to run for the scenery. No one running ever looks happy...whereas I'm smiling the whole ride. Nothing, even moped riding, comes close to the scenic value of a road bike and open road. The only things I heard for 90% of this ride were my tires over gravel and birds in the trees.

On a nice road bike, 40 miles really isn't that hard. Figure, I average at least 10mph, at my slowest, so it's only a 4 hour ride. It's the fast rides that really burn the legs.

It is a chore, but it's a great chore. You create a breeze by biking, so that keeps you cool, but once you stop, the sweating starts....a lot.

I'll keep posting pictures.  Glad you enjoy them! There is so much more to this city than South Beach. I'm still amazed by the people I meet who live there and haven't been off the island yet. Besides the beach and some architecture, SOBE is quite boring, visually. So many good finds throughout the city, and I haven't even gotten up to the far north or deep south yet.

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